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Christians Sue Sandia National Laboratories for Discrimination
Plus: Most twisted porn magazine accidentally sent to skateboarders, nuns join the circus, and other news items from the world's mainstream media.
It's the People's Bible and the People Want More Sex in It I Tell You!
Plus: A condom machine taken out of Catholic high school, an archbishop praises The Simpsons, and links to other religion stories from mainstream media sources.
The Invisible Seminaries
Plus: Charges of racism in church zoning denials, secularism blamed for killing 43,000 Canadians annually, and other stories about Christians and Christianity from the world's mainstream media sources.
Deny China Trade Status Says Religious Freedom Commission Report
Plus: Newsweek looks at teen faith, a churchgoer's wandering eye nearly gets him killed, and other religion stories from the mainstream media around the world.
Fury Rises Over Tufts University's Banning of Christian Group
Plus: Is the pope an evangelical? Britney Spears takes a stand for virginity, and other religion stories from around the world.
Gay Issue Second to Organizational Identification in Supreme Court Questioning
Plus: Australia's Anglican anger continues, a Washington Post columnist tells Christians to fix the Bible, and other religion articles from around the world
Ohio's Motto 'With God All Things Are Possible ' Ruled Unconstitutional
Plus: Australia's Anglican head says Jesus not the only way, the future looks dim for partial-birth abortion ban, and other stories from the world's media sources.
Wheaton College Crusaders No More
Plus: Triumphant China continues persecution, Sudan halts bombing, and other important and interesting religion news from sources around the world.
Adult Converts to Catholicism Up 10 Percent
Plus: First Jesus, now Elián, complain Miami pastors; Christian comics not always funny; and other religion stories from newspapers around the world.
Holy Weeklies
U.S. News looks at Jesus' killers, The New York Times Magazine looks at Jesus' re-enactors, and Time goes hunting for miracles.
Bible Makes Christians Hate Jews Says Boston Globe Columnist
Plus: Catholic bishop calls for contraception, another arrest in India missionary's murder, and other religion news stories from around the world.
Religious Right Is Good People Says Gay Writer
Plus: Falwell starts voter registration drive, Walter Martin's relatives call for Hank Hanegraaff's resignation, and other religion stories from around the world.
Ralph Reed 'Regrets' Microsoft Lobbying
Plus: Israelis' surprising exposure to Christianity, intercessory prayer 'on rise,' and other news stories from the world's press.
Two Indian Christians Beaten to Death
Plus: Christian Right has mellowed, ELCA board approves communion with Episcopalian Church, and other stories from the world's media sources.
Free the Potluck! Cry Minnesotans
Also: No government lawyer for abortion case, and the Easter Bunny loses in the polls
Hell: Yes Say British Evangelicals
Also: What happens when home-schoolers go to college, and northern Nigeria backs off shari'a
Quiet Prayer in the Capitol Okayed by Judge
Also: Gay ordinations won't stop in the Episcopal Church, Turner gets religion, and persecution in India spreads.
Famous Christian Athlete at Center of Cricket Scandal
Plus: Why Robertson isn't the only conservative newcomer to death penalty opposition, British farmers stand against Eastern mysticism, and other articles from around the world.
Priest Confesses Sins of Catholics Against Pentecostals
Also: Who attends messianic congregations, Christian organizations in Israel in danger
Judge OKs Creationism in Library Meeting Room
Also: Will worship ruin a Russian church and other religion news stories from around the world.